For Modular Builders
We Know Modular!
Triad has designed and built equipment for many different modular builders. Whether you need equipment for Light Gauge Steel Stud construction or modular home building machines for wood, timber, or stick construction, Table with Steel Frame Online we have you handled.
And if our current equipment line doesn’t address your needs, you should know that we are the only Modular Home equipment manufacture that can custom design equipment for your particular needs and to your required dimensions.
As part of our service to modular builders, we can provide you with an equipment floor plan, tailored to your particular building (or planned building).
Modular builders especially appreciate how Triad Machines offers the fastest delivery times in the industry. We guarantee that NOBODY can have your equipment in your plant any sooner than Triad. And rest assured that we provide installers to guide setting up your equipment when it arrives.

Whether Your Special Equipment Needs Include:
- Large Tilt Tables (or Flip Tables)
- MEP Racks
- Multiple Lines of Equipment
- Horizontal Conveyance (Transfer Stations)
- Specialized Conveyance Systems
- More! (This is just a sample of the categories we have built or can help design & build for your operation.)
*Specifications subject to change without notice.

Do You Have any Questions?
Ask it NOW via our Quick Question Form Or, if you prefer, feel free to call the factory at 1-800-568-7423 ext. 133 Email direct:
Available to help you from 8am-5pm Central time weekdays.
- Mon–Fri: 08:00–5:00
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed