PreStage Framing Table
Triad’s unique PreStage Framing Table is like nothing else on the market. It merges a pre-layout material staging area with a fast, efficient, framing station. As one unit, the pre-staged materials (for example, studs, plates, and premade components) are stacked and then transported via a powerful continuous track system to the framing area. This continuous track lays flush with the table top until you are ready to transport the prestaged materials. Then it lifts the load and moves it, friction free, slightly above the table top.
Dolly rails facilitate the use of Triad’s Speed Dolly to quickly nail up the panel on the framing end of the table. The Speed Dolly can handle fastening from 2×4 up to 2×8 plates. Finished panels are moved to your next station via pop-up roller conveyor (that does not interfere with the continuous track system). Custom built for 16’ to 24’ long walls.
Initial customer’s field production (a Texas facility) has reported an average of 3600 lf/day (8 hr shift) of framed wall panels in their process.

- Electrical Standard: 110 Volts, 1 PH, 10 AMPS
- Air Requirements: 1/2 NPT @ 100 PSI
- Weight: 6000 lbs. (for 20’L Table)
Video Demonstration of PreStage Framing Table
- Wider working surface
- Custom built from 12’ to 80’ lengths of walls
- Power width adjust for various wall lengths
- Cast iron counter-balanced stud locators
- Includes rails to accommodate optional dollies
- Continuous squaring lip for precision squaring
- Squaring stops
- Optional tape track for placing window and door bridge
- Tool Dolly options
- Power chain conveyor

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Ask it NOW via our Quick Question Form Or, if you prefer, feel free to call the factory at 1-800-568-7423 ext. 133 Email direct:
Available to help you from 8am-5pm Central time weekdays.
- Mon–Fri: 08:00–5:00
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed