StairBoss Pro

The Triad StairBoss Pro is the next generation of high-speed, automatic stair stringer routers. It is nearly three times more efficient than the original SSR, making you three times more productive. It is also far more versatile! Open stringers, skirt board cuts, and end cuts (or scribing – your choice).

The Stair Boss is the product of a collaborative effort between Triad Machines and the world leader in CNC servo technology, Fanuc America. Through working together, the RTS (Rapid Transfer System) was created. In the RTS, the stair stringer pair moves horizontally and is constantly moving. With this system, there is no need to unclamp, reposition, and reclamp the stringer. Using the Stair Boss, it all happens in one fluid and precise motion.

A user-friendly touch screen is incorporated for easy value input for the stringers to be cut with precision. The screen display shows a picture of the step before it’s cut. The stringers are laid on the conveyor, which is at an angle, utilizing gravity to help keep them entirely flush through the cutting process.

StairBoss Pro


  • Electrical Standard: 240 Vac, 3 PH, 40 AMPs
  • Air Requirements: 100 PSI
  • Size:
  • Weight: 2700 lbs.
*Specifications subject to change without notice.

Video Demonstration of StairBoss Pro


  • Up to 3″ thick to 19″ wide cutting area
  • Cuts dimensional lumber, LVL, or any other special engineered material
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